WHAT IS COLLECTIVE & WHAT DOES IT OFFER? COLLECTIVE is a curated guide designed to bring empowerment, positive habits, self-love & self-care into your life. It offers insights, worksheets, and practices to enhance well-being and confidence.

HOW CAN I ACCESS THE GUIDE? You may purchase COLLECTIVE through this website as an e-book.

WHAT TOPICS DOES THE GUIDE COVER?  The content in COLLECTIVE ranges from unapologetic rest, personal style & fashion, to empowerment affirmations and so much more!

CAN I USE THE GUIDE ALONGSIDE OTHER SELF-CARE PRACTICES? Absolutely! The guide can complement other self-care practices and is adaptable to individual preferences.

HOW OFTEN SHOULD I ENGAGE WITH THE GUIDE?  Daily, weekly, or a personalized routine—it's about what suits you best.

IS THERE A COMMUNITY FOR USERS OF THE GUIDE?  Follow us on our Instagram page @theitgirlscollective, we post daily self-love & self care content!